Sunday, November 24, 2019

Lemon Meringue Pie

This is another recipe that comes from my 'Kitchen Witch's Cookbook'. It is a favorite in my house and I have substituted limes for lemon successfully.

3 Egg yolks
1 C Sugar (Divided)
6 Tbsp Cornstarch
1/4 tsp Salt
2 C Water
2 Tbsp Butter
2 tsp Lemon peel (fresh grated)
5 Tbsp Lemon juice (fresh)

1 BAKED pie shell

3-6 Egg whites (I've only ever used the 3 from the yolk separation)
1 Tbsp Confectioners Sugar
Pinch of salt
Dash of vanilla (1/4 tsp, optional, or use 1-2 packets of vanilla sugar instead of confectioners)

You will prepare this in a double boiler. If you do not have one you can place a metal bowl over a pot with water on the bottom. You need at least an inch of water and it can't touch the bowl. Be careful of steam if you use this method.

In a small bowl combine egg yolks and 1/2 c sugar

In the double boiler combine 1/2 c sugar, cornstarch, salt, and water
Cook until thick: stir often!
Cover the double boiler 1 min
Spoon a little of the hot mixture into the yolks/sugar, Stir quickly!
Add yolk/sugar mix to the double boiler, stir well!
Cook 2 min
Remove from heat
Add butter, peel and juice, Incorporate well
Pour into the baked shell

In a bowl beat the egg whites until frothy
Add salt, sugar and vanilla
Whip the whites until stiff peaks are formed
Spread evenly over the pie making sure to seal it at the edges

Bake about 15 min until it's delicately brown
Cool completely before refrigerating

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