Wednesday, November 6, 2019


We have an apple tree in the yard and it is generally prolific. This year my landlord got 3 crates to put away and still gave me a 10 liter bucket. Well, when hanging the laundry I was speaking to her and she had a bucket of "must use now" apples that she had been working her way through. Long story short I ended up with the bucket and making apple paste and apple jelly.

These two recipes go hand in hand. They are simple but time consuming.

Take any amount of apples and make sure the skins are well cleaned. You are going to slice them, remove the seeds and any bad spots. DO NOT peel them.

Place them in a heavy bottomed pot with a bit of water so they don't stick. Cook them until they are soft. Line a strainer with cheesecloth over a bowl to catch the liquid. Place something heavy on top of the apples to press out as much liquid as you can.

Weigh the mass, then puree it skins and all until smooth. Place in a heavy bottom pan with the equal weight of sugar. Cook over medium low, making sure to stir so it doesn't stick. It will bubble and spit. The mass is done when you can draw a spoon through it and the line doesn't fill in.

You can use a silicone mold or spread it on a parchment lined pan. Let it air dry until firm.

Now to turn the liquid into jelly. Measure equal amounts liquid and sugar ( 1 cup liquid to 1 cup sugar). Place in a heavy bottom pan over medium to medium low heat. It will simmer and that's fine but you do not want to boil it or it will scorch. Cook until it passes the blob test (when a drop placed on a cold plate gels). Skim off any foam as it rises to the top or pour through a jelly bag into a measuring cup with a spout. Pour into warm, sterile jars.

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