Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Let''s talk about comfort food

shall we?

Comfort food means something different to everyone. It is as individual as we are. What do you take comfort in? What food wraps you up like a hug? Makes you close your eyes and transports you to somewhere or somewhen else? For me it isn't always just the food item, it is sometimes the circumstances around it. I love a good cup of hot chocolate but that first sip on a cold day after I've been outside for any reason is just magical. It is every winter of my childhood, coming in after sledding and finding hot chocolate on the table for me made by my gram.

Comfort food for me isn't just about what I eat, it is also about what I make as well. I don't know who else might share this feeling. There are certain dishes that when I get to make them just make me feel good. Especially when I get to share them. I love to make chicken parmesan. It was my mom's favorite thing for me to make. Every time I was home I would make it at least once. In her eyes it was a troublesome dish with lots of effort. For me that effort was love. I enjoyed the process and what I enjoyed even more was her appreciation of it. Her first bit was a hug for her as well as for me. Now when I make it I want to share it, because that is what that dish is all about for me. I never make it just for me, and I rarely make it for the kids and me, but if I have company, that is when I bust it out. Or if I visit someone's home and offer to make dinner.

I suppose you could say that food is a love language of mine. If I cook for you, I am saying I love you. If I make an effort for you, I am saying i love you. If you tell me how much you enjoyed or appreciated it, what I hear is, I love you too.

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