Monday, August 12, 2019

Let's talk about Fried Chicken

It took me forever to find a way to make fried chicken that I like. A little spicy, not too greasy, soft and juicy, with a crisp coating. I am still experimenting with flavors because, well, it's what I do. What I have stopped mucking with though are the basics.

1: Salt and Pepper the chicken! (You can add extra spices here too Like Tony's, hot sauce, paprika)

2: Soak in buttermilk for at least 4 hours. I normally soak mine overnight.( You can add hot sauce to      the buttermilk as well if you want spicy coating)

3: Spice your flour. At least use salt and pepper in it. I tend to toss in garlic powder as well, maybe          some Tony's.

4: From buttermilk to flour. Do not drain or scrape off the pieces! Just coat well. Make sure                      everything is completely coated and there is a dry coating over all of the piece

5: Set on a wire rack for 1/2 hr. (heat oil in this time) This really binds the coating to the chicken. (if        you do it on a plate or flat surface besure to well flour the surface first so the coating doesn't stick)
    Do not let the pieces touch!!! They will stick together.

6: Test the oil to make sure its hot enough. A small ball of the coating. It should immediately sizzle.

7: Place breasts and thighs bone side UP! Legs don't matter. Fry for 10- 15 min. 
    DO NOT MOVE THEM AROUND! Just put them in and let them be, Flip them over and fry for        another 15 -20 min. 

8. Remove chicken to paper towel. If frying in batches keep warm in the oven while the next batch is cooking. Or precook and reheat the entire thing in a 375f oven for 15 - 20 min until heated through.

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