Sunday, January 5, 2020

Traditions (Hoppin John)

It seems with the holiday I missed posting. That's OK, not sure anyone was exactly waiting with baited breath for my next post. Though I like to try to keep it regular I am learning to go with the flow.

Normally this is a time of resolutions. A lot of them centered around food. To eat healthier, change one's diet, become a vegetarian, etc.. I am taking a different approach this year to it, I am going to work on being kinder to myself. And not beating myself up over a missed or late post.

Now on to some food.

Many places have traditions on what to eat for a last meal or a first meal to try and bring luck in the coming year. The American south has a strong tradition of 'Hoppin John' (a black eyed pea stew of sorts) and greens to bring luck and draw money. Needing a bit of both myself I searched recipes of Hoppin John . I have made it in the past but never felt it was quite right. I am leagues closer that ever before, In fact this is a recipe well worth repeating.

8 oz dry black eyed peas
300 gm Cabanossi ( or other sausage, Andui is more traditional)
2 Tbsp Salt pork (diced small)
1 small onion (diced)
1/2 Green Pepper
3 cloves Garlic (crushed or minced)
2 cups Vegetable broth
1 tsp Tony's ( a cajun spice mix)

Pre cook the beans by boiling in water or broth. Cook until soft.
Cook the sausage until browned, remove from the pan leaving the grease
Add the salt pork to the grease and fry for 5 min , leave in the pan
Add the peppers and onions, cook until soft
Add the garlic and cook quickly, 30 sec to 1 min
Add the broth
Add Spices
Add the peas, cook until the beans are creamy and the liquid is almost gone.
Add salt and pepper to taste

Iy you want it soupier and less thick add more broth or water.

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