Monday, September 9, 2019

I hate being sick

Not that anyone I know likes it, but especially right now. I have no one to make me tea, or a snack. My energy is available is quite limited supply and so it is one task at a time to get anything done. Like chicken soup. I started boiling the bones about 830 or so in the morning, drained them around 1030, stripped the meat at 1200. I am currently 'resting again, trying to gain the energy to cut up some carrot and onion to add. Even tea takes a huge amount of energy.

Really the best things when sick are toast, chicken soup and tea. Tea is best with ginger, honey and lemon.

I thankfully don't need to go to the store, not even for ginger ale because I make my own ginger syrup and now have a Sodastream! But it all still takes energy.

So ya, whiney post is whiney and I hate being sick.

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