Sunday, November 22, 2020

Chicken experiment: Meal 3

 And prep for meal 4 and possibly 5! 

Today was about breaking down the carcass. I pulled the wings off and tossed them in a pot. I broke the legs off and set them aside. The carcass already having been stripped of the breasts I tossed it in the pot too and covered it with just enough water to put it on to boil. I stripped one leg putting the meat into a bowl for dinner tonight which will be fried rice. The other leg I stripped and set the meat aside for tomorrow. Tossing the bones in the pot to boil along with the rest.

I have 2 cups of leftover rice and pulled a cup of peas from the freezer. I peeled and small diced 2 carrots. I grated 2 cloves of garlic and a small chunk of ginger. I will soak the chicken meat after I cut it in a a couple tablespoons of broth to add some moisture back to it before beginning to fry everything together. I will start off with 1/2 an onion, add the garlic and ginger then the rice. Once that is heated through I will add the chicken and the vegetables. I will make a space in the center and put 2 eggs beaten once cooked through I will add soy sauce and stir it through, once done, it's finished.

As for the boiling carcass I will let that simmer until near bedtime, I will take it off to cool and stick it on my porch as my fridge is currently occupied with a defrosting turkey. Yes, it is cold enough for it to be safe out there. In the morning I will strain it and begin meal number 4.

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