Friday, November 20, 2020

Chicken experiment: Meal 1

 So, for various reasons I will not get into I spend most of my time living as a single person. This means cooking for one which is very hard for me to find the motivation to do. I have a challenge for myself though. The other day I saw a chicken (whole) for sale in my local grocery store and I decided to challenge myself to make as many meals from my chicken as possible and to document them here. So here goes!

Day one!
I have decided to roast my chicken. I set my oven to 170°c, rubbed my chicken in a mix of half butter half mayonnaise and then sprinkled it with the Ankerkraut Brathähnchen gewürz (A certain company's roast chicken spice). I tented the pan with aluminum foil and set it in the oven for 2 hours, I then removed the foil and cooked it 1/2 an hour more. After resting it about 10 minutes I sliced off the breast and served it with leftover spätzle and peas from last night. I put some drippings in a cup to dip my chicken in. I will save the rest of the chicken for tomorrow.

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