Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Stuffed Peppers

My grandmother used to make delightful stuffed peppers, and while I have changed the recipe some to suit my changing tastes I love that they remind me of her.

The filling is simple enough to put together. The recipe fills 4-6 normal sized peppers. You can use any color you like. I am fond of red ones but originally we stuffed green ones.

4-6 Peppers
1/2 C Rice (uncooked)
1 C Water
200 g Ham (grated or finely diced)
1 sm Onion (chopped small)
8 oz Tomato sauce ( spaghetti sauce, pizza sauce, or make your own. If you use plain flavor it with a     bit of Italian seasoning and garlic powder)

Cut the tops off of all the peppers (save 2 of them, to chop fine)
Boil the water and add the rice (a bit of salt and butter help the flavor or boil it in broth)
When done, set aside

Chop the onion and the two pepper tops small and saute' in a pan with a bit of butter or oil until soft
Add to the rice

Grate or dice fine the ham
Add to the rice

Boil the empty pepper shells in salted water for 5-10 min, you want to soften them but not turn them     to mush

Add the tomato sauce to the rice and mix well, season to taste

Stuff the peppers with the rice mixture, any leftover rice can be packed into the dish with the peppers
Cover with cheese and bake at 350°f - 375°f until heated through and the cheese is browning

Simple! Tasty and quick. Can be made ahead and popped into a preheated (or mostly preheated) oven

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