Friday, December 20, 2019

Christmas cookies

Ya I know, I was all over Thanksgiving like white on rice but Christmas posting is a bit... blah. I am not a fan of the Holiday time to be sure but who doesn't like cookies? When I had kids I dreamed of making cookies and decorating them together. The fun, the laughter, the sheer joy! That isn't normally the case. The kids would do a couple and wander off and leave me with the rest. Both cutting and decorating! So ya... But I still try. Why? Because I like cookies!

I make two recipes every year for decorating, and sure they can be made any time of year but it seems the only time I go through all the hassle is Christmas. So here you go. Sugar cookies and Gingerbread cookies.

No chilling needed sugar cookies:

1 c Butter (soft)
1 c Sugar
1 tsp Vanilla
1/2 tsp Almond extract (I leave this out and increase the vanilla)
1 Egg
2 tsp Baking Powder ( this makes them a little 'lighter' it can be left out entirely or reduced to 1 tsp)
1/2 tsp salt (reduce or omit is using salted butter)
3 c Flour

Cream the butter and sugar until smooth (3 to 5 min! do not skimp on the creaming)
Beat in the vanilla and egg
In a separate bowl sift the flour and baking powder together, add salt and mix in
Add the flour to the butter a little at a time, This dough will end up stiff! If it is too much for your mixer to handle knead it on the counter
Divide into workable batches
Roll on a floured surface about 1/4 in thick (about 7 mm) You want thick cookies.
Bake at 350°f (170°c) 6 to 8 min. you don't want them to brown!
Let them cool slightly (5 min) on the cookie sheet and then remove them to a rack
Cool completely an decorate

If you need to make this ahead, wrap tight and place in the fridge, leave out for 10 min on the counter before you start rolling.
Don't be afraid to mash your scraps together and roll more cookies, the flour from rolling etc doesn't hurt these

Gingerbread cookies:

3 c Flour
1/2 tsp Salt
1 Tbsp Ginger
2 tsp Cinnamon
1/4 tsp Clove
1/4 tsp Nutmeg
6 Tbsp Butter
3/4 c Brown sugar (dark is good)
1 Egg
1/2 c Molasses
2 tsp Vanilla
1-3 tsp Milk (Only if needed!)

Preheat oven to 375°f (180°c)
Whisk flour and spices together
Cream the butter and sugar (not too much)
Add Molasses
Add egg
Add vanilla
Slowly add the flour
Only add milk if the dough is dry!!!

Roll on a floured surface 1/4 in thick (7mm)
Cut and bake 8-10 min
Cool on a wire rack

Royal Icing for decorating

1 lb Powdered sugar
3 Egg (whites only)
1 tsp lemon juice (fresh or white vinegar)

Sift the powdered sugar (This IS important)
Lightly beat lemon juice into the egg whites
Add the powdered sugar and beat until stiff peaks form (This should take about 5 min, if it is taking a long time add a but more sugar. DO NOT OVER BEAT. If you over beat the icing it will become crumbly when dry).

Color or not, enjoy!

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