Monday, October 7, 2019

Fall means pumpkins and soup

Yes folks, here in Germany fall has begun. Which really means the temps have dropped and it's been raining for a week. This also means that you can find pumpkins in the store. Hokkaido are the most common but hopefully soon they with have the 'normal' halloween pumpkins I am used to . Technically for these soups you can use any kind of orange fleshed squash or pumpkin. I have 3 'go to ' recipes for fall soups, or those containing pumpkin or squash if you will. 2 have been passed down to me and one was found on line but I don't remember where anymore and I have changed it from its original state anyway.

So to start, my neighbor Hans passed along this recipe to me. My kids have declared it their favorite. It's a little different but not 'out there'. The curry blends well into it without being overpowering and the apple just disappears but leaves a bit of sweetness.

1 kg (2 pounds) Pumpkin chopped (peeled if needed Hokkaido just need to be washed, you are also            going to remove the seeds and strings)
1 Apple (peeled and seeded) chopped
2 Onion, diced (about 3/4 to 1 cup)
50 gm Butter (3.5 Tbsp)
2 tsp Curry Powder
2 Tbsp Flour
pinch of Nutmeg
2 tsp of Bouillon (chicken or vegetable)
3 C water
2 C milk
1 1/2 tsp Salt
Cream (optional for serving)

Saute the onions in butter
Add Pumpkin, Apple, and Curry powder: Stir well
Add Flour and Nutmeg: Stir well
Add Water, Bouillon, and Milk
Do not bring to a boil, only a simmer
Cook until the pumpkin is soft
Blend with a  stab mixer or in a blender until smooth
Add salt to taste
Garnish with cream and parsley

My favorite recipe combines spicy fresh ginger with sweet brown sugar

750g Pumpkin
500ml Chicken broth (or vegetable)
4cm piece Fresh Ginger (peeled and grated)
2 Tbsp Brown sugar
100 ml Cream
dash of Nutmeg

Cook the pumpkin in the broth until tender
I add the ginger after about 15 min
Puree' with a stabmixer or in a blender
Add the sugar and cream
Add nutmeg
Serve with more cream or whipped cream if desired

The last recipe came via the internet and started as a Pampered chef recipe. I love the PC products, I am not a seller and I am not supported by them but I do love their things. I have a set of kitchen shears that took 10 years to dull! You don't have to have any of their products though to make this soup.

1 medium Butternut squash (1 kg or 1 lbs)
3 medium to large Carrots
1 medium onion
1 Tbsp Olive oil
3 cloves Garlic (pressed, minced, etc)
1 tsp Seasoning (Italian, Sage, Basil, Tarragon whatever suits your taste)
4 c Chicken Stock (or vegetable)
15 oz Pumpkin ( Can be canned or home roasted)
200 ml Cream
1 tsp Salt
1/4 tsp Black Pepper

In oil cook the onion until soft
Add the butternut and carrot, cook about 5-10 min
Add the garlic, cook about 1 min (max)
Add the chicken stock, spices and Pumpkin
Cook until the carrot and squash are tender
Blend with a stab mixer or in a blender until smooth
Add the cream and heat through

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