Saturday, July 13, 2019


In my last post I talked about dips to go with veggies on those hot summer nights that you just don't feel like cooking. I have 4 favorites that I am going to share with you.

Tzatziki: a greek yogurt dip with garlic and cucumber. very refreshing. Great with bread and veggies. Goes well with most meats as well (for when it's not too hot to cook)

"Ranch" dip: Great with veggies or chips. You can make it thick for a dip or thing it out and use it as a salad dressing.

Onion dip: No Lipton packets here. Takes some work but so worth the effort! Great with chips and veggies.

Creamy Parmesan: This one is thinner than the others and is more like a dressing but is still good for dipping those veggies. Tastes like Caesar dressing but has no anchovies in it. Great with veggies are on salads.

All of these are best made a day in advance but if you make them in the morning when it's cool then they are good at night when it's hot.

I learned this one while living next to a kind woman from Just outside Olympia. She kindly shared her recipe and showed me her ways.

6-8 cloves of garlic
1 lg 'european' or seedless cucumber (These are the long skinny ones)
16 ounces Sour Cream
8   ounces Greek Yogurt ( i will note here that you can use all Greek yogurt or reverse the proportions as you like. The greek yogurt should be marked as such and be very thick and tangy. The sour cream is because at the time greek yogurt of that kind was very hard to find in our area so she adjusted her recipe)
3-5 Tbsp Vinegar (White is fine, this is really a matter of taste. I like a blend of white and Apple cider vinegars, but  a mild white wine vinegar or a rice wine vinegar will work as well.)
1/2 - 1 cup Olive oil ( Another area that is up to you, I like a more mild taste as so usually only add the 1/2 cup)
Salt and Pepper to taste

Grate the cucumber on a large grater. Sprinkle with a small bit of salt and let it sit in a bowl for 5 min.
Place it in a towel or cheese cloth and then squeeze as much water from it as you can.
You want to smash your garlic until it is a creamy paste.  I do this by first grating the cloves on a fine grater, then I use a very sharp knife to chop it to tiny bits,lastly I sprinkle it with a bit of salt and with the flat of my blade grind it. Though, if I am being lazy I may skip the last step or two 😉
Combine cucumber, garlic and Yogurt (or mix)
Add the olive oil and vinegar until it is smooth
Add salt and pepper to taste

'Ranch' Dip/ dressing
Not sure where the original came from but this is where mine is at.

1/4 cup Mayo (Use MAYONNAISE and not salad dressing! Hellmann's light is my favorite)
1/4 cup Sour Cream (I actually use German Schmand, you could use creme fresh as well)
1/4 cup Plain Yogurt ( I use greek yogurt because it is thick and tangy)
1/4 cup Buttermilk ( + or -, You will want more or less depending on the consistency you want)
1 tsp Rice wine vinegar ( I use apple cider vinegar)
1 clove Garlic ( smashed! also I use 2 for a bit extra kick or if the cloves are small)
2 Tbsp Parsley
2 Tbsp Chives        ( All herbs are fresh chopped, if using dry  cut the amount in half)
1 Tbsp Dill
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp Pepper ( I like fresh ground but whatever is at hand works)

Whisk everything but the Buttermilk together.
Slowly add the Buttermilk until you reach your desired consistency (Thick for dip, thin for dressing)

Onion Dip
This is the one that takes work but I think it is OH so worth it!

1.25 kg Onions (This is before cutting the ends and peeling them)
2 Tbsp Olive oil (This is for the onions. In this one case I i'll say, DO NOT use butter)
3 tsp of Beef broth powder
600 gm Schmand (sour cream if you can't get it, or creme fresh)
1/2 cup Buttermilk

Place the oil in a frying pan and caramelize the onions. Cook them long and slow you want them soft and sweet

Cool the onions when they are done and either chop very fine or use a stab mixer to puree them.

Mix with the Schmand and the bouillon powder.

Add enough buttermilk to make it smooth and the desired consistency you want. (This is not a dressing, think thick.)

Add salt to taste

Creamy Parmesan Dressing
This is meant as a salad dressing I just love to dip veggies in it too.

3/4 cup Mayonnaise
1/2 cup finely shredded Parmesan cheese (I grate mine myself I have never used the pre grated stuff, If you go that route, fine but I am not responsible for the results)
1/4 Lemon juice ( Fresh! This means from real fresh lemons, NOT a bottle. Again Not responsible for variations if you use substitutions)
4 tsp Dijon mustard ( I use German Mittelscharf when I don't have Dijon around)
3 tsp Worcestershire sauce
1 tsp Tabasco (optional)
Salt and pepper to taste

Blend it all together

All of these will last at least a week (Much longer actually but always inspect it before using) in air tight containers in the fridge.

Happy Eating!

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