Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Pot Pie

I'm a few days late for once a week, I'm days early for every 2 weeks. Meh!

I grew up on 'Pot pies' usually from the freezer section but they were nice when it was cold out or we needed something quick. And honestly when I was a kid my mom wasn't much of a cook. She could follow box directions and make 2 dishes from scratch. So frozen and take out were mainstays. Maybe this is why I'm so picky about cooking from scratch for myself.

Anyway, I introduced the kids to meat pies and they have become a staple around the house. Beef, chicken and even lamb from time to time. Super simple to make and my mini pie pan from Pampered Chef makes it even easier. No, I am not affiliated I just love their products and this one is particularly fantastic.

So what am I doing. For one my pie crust is made with lard, here in Germany I am using schwein schmaltz. You can use butter or plant fat (Crisco in the US) but the pork fat really adds a nice texture and the flavor isn't heavy at all. The consistent thing is that the crust is super flaky!

I use a simple recipe:
2 cups flour
2/3 cup fat
bit of salt (I don't measure just sprinkle some on top of the flour, maybe 1/2 tsp)
and 6-8 Tbsp of ice cold water, depending on the weather.

Stir the salt into the flour
Cut the fat in until it resembles coarse crumbs (I use a fork to do this, always have)
Add 5 Tbsp of water and begin to stir together until the dough forms adding more water as needed
     DON'T go to fast with the water. I find the pork fat needs less water and depending on how dry your flour is you may need more or less.

Roll out to 1/4 inch thickness and cut to fit your pan.

This is a double crust recipe. It will provide a bottom and a top crust for your pie. If using the Pampered Chef pan or the like This is still what you need. There is a variation on the pie that requires a bottom crust but has a biscuit top crust. In that case use 11/4 c flour, 1/3 c fat, salt, and 3-5 Tbsp water.

But what shall I fill it with? Easy, whatever ya like. :)

 Chicken is always a favorite and this base is easily converted to be beef or vegetable.

I start with a 'cream of anything soup'. No, not from a can silly though you can do that if you want to. I have a recipe of course.

1/4 cup Butter
1/4 cup Flour
1/4 tsp Black Pepper
1/8 tsp Paprika
1/2 tsp Garlic powder
1 1/2 cups Broth (This is where you decide your flavor)
1/2 cup Milk

Melt the butter in a pan on med heat
Add the flour and spices and stir together
Cook 30 seconds to one minute, you do not want to brown it
Slowly add the broth and milk, stirring constantly until it is well blended
Cook until thickened

Now this just gives you a base gravy and what you fill it up with is up to you. I add a couple cups of meat ( chicken normally) and some veggies. frozen peas and carrots are good, some chopped onion and I'm all set. but If I have it I'll add celeriac, parsnips, or even a bit of potato as well. You will want to give those a bit of a cook either before in the gravy or separately as they will not cook through in the oven.

Now that everything is mixed together, fill your pie! I like to brush my top crust with beaten egg (1 egg 1 tbsp water) but it is not required for a good pie.

Bake at 375 for 1/2 an hour or until the top crust is browned and the bottom crust is firm.  This can take up to an hour for a regular size pie.

If you want to top your pie with biscuits, just make your favorite biscuit recipe, cut them and place them on top and bake.

Pot pies could also be topped with mashed potatoes, I have not done it yet but I have seen it done. Could be good, who knows!

Good luck!

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