Thursday, November 8, 2018


Hey folks, with a lot of love and support from my friends I am embarking on a new journey of blogging. I want to share with all of you my experiences and love of cooking.

I cook from scratch. There are a dozen reasons why but the biggest is, I just like it! I love to cook. There is immense satisfaction in completing the job and the fact that I can eat the results and know it is better for my family are just perks.

What makes me so different than many of the people I've met through the years who view cooking as a job? I'm not 100% sure but I do think it's because the cooking influences in my life were positive and started young. By young I mean I think I was about 3 the first time my great grandmother pulled a stool up to the stove so I could watch her cook. It was like magic how she took the simple ingredients and turned them into delicious foods. I was three so applesauce was amazing, but the process and love she showed while teaching me stuck, and I think it really left the seeds.

I am for the most part a self taught cook, I am in no way a chef. I have done little in the way of formal classes or studying and most of my experience comes pre internet, so no YouTube videos either. Everything I do was either learned by reading a cookbook, lots of experimentation or rarely, at the hands of a guide. I do hope to be able to make some videos as well as make posts but I am not there yet, you will be the first to know when I am.

How this is going to work. I am still working out a tagging system in my head for how I will identify posts. Examples of what I am ruminating on are: post titles with Mamma says will be advice things, just notes on things from everyday life, child rearing, relationship stuff, personal growth and etc... Recipes will be marked as such and at the time I start doing video I will mark that too. Mostly I will focus on cooking but I may wander into other places as well so just be warned. My personal goal is to start with bi-weekly updates. If I have more to say, I'll make more but I'd like to have a minimum to work with and bi-weekly seems like a good goal.

Not all my recipes will have been created by me, I of course will try to give all propper credit where it is due if I can.

Feel free to ask questions, leave notes, or just say hi from time to time.

Maggie <3

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