Monday, October 31, 2022

Onion soup

 Use red or white wine, use veg stock for vegetarian, use oil for vegan, use beef stock for more traditional flavor. This makes a lot! Freeze it or cut down the recipe.

Onions (3kg divided. 2 kg for cooking until soft 1 kg to add raw)

Butter or oil



10 cups Water

Veggie bouillon (or beef)

White wine ½ liter (if you wouldn’t drink it don’t cook with it, not a dry wine, or red)

Cut the onions in half (all of them)

Slice into pieces about .5 cm (all of them, if easier cut the 2 kg for ‘cooking’ first, then cut the 1 kg of ‘raw’)

Place cut onions in a pot with 2 - 4 Tablespoons of butter (enough butter that when it melts it covers the bottom of the pan)

Cook on medium low stirring once in a while and adding an extra tablespoon of butter if they get dry

Cook them until they are clear and slightly browning (very soft, caramelized)

Mash them slightly, or even use a stab mixer

Add Water (alone or with bouillon)

Add raw onions

Add wine

Cook for at least ½ an hour  

Place on low heat and cover can cook for hours and hours with no problems

Serve with Bauernbrot (sliced) with butter (and maybe some cheese, like slices of emmentaler or masdamer, cut the slices from the package in half)